Travis County Parks (TCP) will manage its park system based on local orders and the Austin Public Health (APH) 5 stage risk-based guidelines which provides recommendations for what the community should do to stay safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. Along with the guidelines, TCP will determine best management practices for the park system, taking into consideration the need for adequate staffing levels and park visitor compliance with state and local directives.

For a park specific list of guidelines and procedures for Travis County Parks, visit our COVID-19 Management Plan.

This page will provide timely updates about TCP response activities and links to specific information about parks that may be involved. Travis County Parks follows guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), state and local public health authorities, and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and coordinates closely with City of Austin and Travis County Emergency Management agencies.

Read the social distancing guide in public parks.

Latest Travis County Parks Update

January 4, 2022 – Travis County Parks continues to operate its park system in line with the current COVID-19 Community Staging guidelines. Open hours and access to amenities vary by park, please refer to the specific park page for details. The level of infection in the community will be closely monitored and park access may be reduced or closed completely. This includes the potential to cancel planned events and advanced reservations.

Anyone traveling to a Travis County park should continue to follow current Travis County and CDC Guidelines.

Reservations are not required for day-use visitation (reservations are required for Hamilton Pool Preserve). If a park reaches capacity, additional visitors will not be allowed for the rest of the day and a closure notice will be added to the specific park webpage. The park will reopen again the next day, but again under capacity limits.

Be COVID Wise – It is recommended that individuals wear a mask and maintain social distancing. Getting fully vaccinated, wearing a mask, and maintaining at least 6 feet of distance provides the highest level of protection from COVID-19 and other airborne diseases.

Previous Travis County Parks Updates

August 5, 2021  – Travis County has reached stage 5 of the Austin Public Health guidelines. Open hours and access to amenities vary by park, please refer to the specific park page for details.   The level of infection in the community will be closely monitored and park access may be reduced or closed completely if levels continue to increase. This includes the potential to cancel planned events and advanced reservations.

Anyone traveling to a Travis County park should continue to follow current Travis County and CDC Guidelines.

Reservations are not required for day-use visitation (reservations are required for Hamilton Pool Preserve). If a park reaches capacity (capacity has been reduced during), additional visitors will not be allowed for the rest of the day and a closure notice will be added to the specific park webpage. The park will reopen again the next day, but again under capacity limits.

Be COVID Wise – It is recommended that individuals wear a mask and maintain social distancing. Getting fully vaccinated, wearing a mask, and maintaining at least 3 feet of distance provides the highest level of protection from COVID-19 and other airborne diseases.

July 6, 2021  – Travis County remains in Stage 2 of the Austin Public Health guidelines. Open hours and access to amenities vary by park, please refer to the specific park page for details.

Anyone traveling to a Travis County park should continue to follow current Travis County and State Orders and Guidance.

Reservations are not required for day-use visitation (reservations are required for Hamilton Pool Preserve). If a park reaches capacity (capacity has been reduced during Stage 2), additional visitors will not be allowed for the rest of the day and a closure notice will be added to the specific park webpage. The park will reopen again the next day, but again under capacity limits.

Be COVID Wise – It is recommended that individuals wear a mask and maintain social distancing. Getting fully vaccinated, wearing a mask, and maintaining at least 3 feet of distance provides the highest level of protection from COVID-19 and other airborne diseases.

May 27, 2021 – Travis County has entered Stage 2 of the Austin Public Health guidelines. Open hours and access to amenities vary by park, please refer to the specific park page for details.

Anyone traveling to a Travis County park should continue to follow current Travis County and State Orders and Guidance.

Reservations are not required for day-use visitation (reservations are required for Hamilton Pool Preserve). If a park reaches capacity (capacity has been reduced during Stage 2), additional visitors will not be allowed for the rest of the day and a closure notice will be added to the specific park webpage. The park will reopen again the next day, but again under capacity limits.

Be COVID Wise – It is recommended that individuals wear a mask and maintain social distancing. Getting fully vaccinated, wearing a mask, and maintaining at least 3 feet of distance provides the highest level of protection from COVID-19 and other airborne diseases.

During Stage 2:

Improved Campsites at Pace Bend and Arkansas Bend Park remain open at this time - by reservation only.

Athletic fields and group shelters are open by reservation only.

Commercial Boat/Rental Use of Travis County Parks Boat Ramps on Lake Travis or Lake Austin are available by permit only.

The following parks are open. Hours and access to amenities vary, please refer to the specific park page for details:

Allen Park – The park and its amenities are open.

Arkansas Bend Park– The park and its amenities are open. Boat ramp is open daily if lake levels are sufficient. Improved campsites are available by reservation. Reservations can be made now. 

Barkley Meadows Park – The park and its amenities are open.

Ben E. Fisher Park – The park and its amenities are open.

Bob Wentz Park – The park and its amenities are open.

Cypress Creek Park – Boat Ramp may be closed due to current lake levels.  Check here for the current status. The rest of the park and its amenities are open.

Del Valle Softball Fields – The park and its amenities are open.

East Metro Park – The park and its amenities are open. The community pavilion remains closed for repairs.

Fritz Hughes Park – The park and its amenities are open.

Hamilton Pool Preserve – Reservations are required. Check here for current information

Hippie Hollow Park – Opens at 9:00 am daily. The park and its amenities are open.

Little Webberville Park – The park and its amenities are open.

Loop 360 Park – The park and its amenities are open.

Mansfield Dam Park – The park and its amenities are open.

Mary Quinlan Park – The park and its amenities are open.

Northeast Metro Park – The park and its amenities are open.

Pace Bend Park - Primitive camping remains closed at Pace Bend Park while improvements are completed. Improved Campsites are available by reservation and on a first-come, first-served basis, if available. The coves on the West side of the park are closed. All boat ramps are open. Boat ramps at Tournament Point and Tatum are only accessible during day use hours. Trails are open. Swimming and fishing from the shoreline are permitted.

Reimers Ranch Park – The park and its amenities are open. Check here for updated information on the status of the Observatory.

Richard Moya Park – The park and its amenities are open.

Sandy Creek Park The park is open to Day Use activities only due to construction in the park. Hours of operation are sunrise to 8pm. Use of the shoreline, picnic tables, grills, and trails are permitted. Check here for the current status of the boat ramp. Primitive Camping is not permitted at this time.

Selma Hughes Park – The park and its amenities are open.

Southeast Metro Park – The park and its amenities are open.

Tom Hughes Park - The park and its amenities are open.

Webberville Park – The park and its amenities are open.

Windmill Run Park – The park and its amenities are open.

March 16, 2021 – Travis County has entered Stage 3 of the Austin Public Health guidelines. All Travis County Parks remain open except Tom Hughes Park. Open hours and access to amenities vary by park, please refer to the specific park page for details.

Anyone traveling to a Travis County park should continue to follow current Travis County and State Orders.

Reservations are not required for day-use visitation (reservations are required for Hamilton Pool Preserve). If a park reaches capacity (capacity has been reduced during Stage 3), additional visitors will not be allowed for the rest of the day and a closure notice will be added to the specific park page. The park will reopen again the next day, but again under capacity limits.

Face Covering requirements at Travis County Parks:

All persons visiting a Travis County Park shall wear a face covering over their nose and mouth when inside a building open to the public, or when in an outdoor public space whenever not feasible to maintain six (6) feet of social distancing from persons outside one’s household; provided however that this face covering requirement does not apply to the following:

  1. any person younger than 10 years of age;
  2. any person with a medical condition or disability that prevents wearing a face covering;
  3. any person while the person is consuming food or drink, or is seated at a restaurant to eat or drink;
  4. any person while the person is (1) exercising outdoors or engaging in physical activity outdoors, and (2) is maintaining a safe distance from other people not in the same household;
  5. any person while the person is driving alone or with passengers who are part of the same household as the driver;
  6. any person obtaining a service that requires temporary removal of the face covering for security surveillance, screening, or a need for specific access to the face, such as while visiting a bank or while obtaining a personal care service involving the face, but only to the extent necessary for the temporary removal;
  7. any person while the person is in a swimming pool, lake, or similar body of water;
  8. any person who is voting, assisting a voter, serving as a poll watcher, or actively administering an election, but wearing a face covering is strongly encouraged;
  9. any person who is actively providing or obtaining access to religious worship, but wearing a face covering is strongly encouraged; or
  10. any person while the person is giving a speech for a broadcast or to an audience; and
  11. Not excepted from this face-covering requirement is any person attending a protest or demonstration involving more than 10 people and who is not practicing safe social distancing of six feet from other people not in the same household.
  12. any person who is alone, or in the presence of only members of the same household or residence, in a separate room or single space not accessible to the public, and not in an indoor common area.


During Stage 3:

Improved Campsites at Pace Bend and Arkansas Bend Park remain open at this time - by reservation only. Sites are limited to members of individual households.

Limited restrooms will remain open.

Athletic fields and some group shelters will open – by reservation only.

Basketball courts and primitive camping remain closed.

Commercial Boat/Rental Use of Travis County Parks Boat Ramps on Lake Travis or Lake Austin can begin operating. Operators will ensure all individuals follow Park safety policies including social distancing and the use of face masks. Groups will be limited to maximum of 10.

The following parks are open. Hours and access to amenities vary, please refer to the specific park page for details:

Allen Park – The park is open.

Arkansas Bend Park– Boat ramp is open daily if lake levels are sufficient (no commercial use). Lake Travis shoreline access is allowed. Improved campsites are available by reservation only. Reservations can be made now. Playgrounds are open.

Barkley Meadows Park –The playground and trails are open.

Ben E. Fisher Park – The playground is open.

Bob Wentz Park – Lake Travis shoreline access is allowed. Non-motorized boat ramp is open.

Cypress Creek Park – Boat ramp is closed due to current lake levels. Lake Travis shoreline access is allowed. 

Del Valle Softball Fields – The park is open.

East Metro Park – Basketball court, shelter, and Pavilion are closed. Trails, playgrounds, disc golf, and fishing ponds are open.

Fritz Hughes Park –The basketball court remains closed. Lake Austin shoreline access is allowed. Playground is open.

Hamilton Pool Preserve – Reservations are required. No swimming.

Hippie Hollow Park – Opens at 9:00 am daily. Lake Travis shoreline access is allowed. 

Little Webberville Park – Boat ramp and playground is open. 

Loop 360 Park – The boat ramp is open.

Mansfield Dam Park – The boat ramp, playground and trails are open.

Mary Quinlan Park – The boat ramp is open.

Northeast Metro Park – The basketball court remains closed. The trails, skatepark, playgrounds, and tennis court are open.

Pace Bend Park – Primitive camping remains closed. Improved Campsites are available by reservation only. Reservations can be made now. The west (cliff) side of the park is closed. Collier boat ramp is open. Trails are open. Lake Travis shoreline access is allowed. 

Reimers Ranch Park – Trails and rock climbing are open. Pedernales River shoreline access is allowed.

Richard Moya Park – The basketball court remains closed. Trails and playgrounds are open.

Sandy Creek Park The park is open to Day Use activities only. Hours of operation are sunrise to 8pm. Use of the boat ramp, shoreline, picnic tables, grills, and trails are permitted. Primitive Camping is not permitted at this time.

Selma Hughes Park – Lake Austin shoreline access is allowed.

Southeast Metro Park – The basketball court remains closed. The trails and playgrounds are open.

Webberville Park – The basketball court remains closed. The boat ramp, playgrounds, fishing pier and trails are open.

Windmill Run Park – The trails and playgrounds are open. 

The following Travis County parks remain closed until further notice:

Tom Hughes Park

March 10, 2021Travis County remains in Stage 4 of the Austin Public Health guidelines. All Travis County Parks remain open except Sandy Creek Park and Tom Hughes Park. Open hours and access to amenities vary by park, please refer to the specific park page for details.

The main goal of the local order is to encourage residents to limit travel from the home as much as possible. Travis County Parks has closed many of its park amenities but recognizes the importance of connection with nature, exercise, and being outdoors so it is keeping as many of its parks and trails open for those that do not have immediate access to these opportunities around their home.

Anyone traveling to a Travis County park should continue to follow current Travis County and State Orders.

Reservations are not required for day-use visitation (reservations are required for Hamilton Pool Preserve). If a park reaches capacity (capacity has been reduced during Stage 4), additional visitors will not be allowed for the rest of the day and a closure notice will be added to the specific park page. The park will reopen again the next day, but again under capacity limits.
Staff are committed to providing safe and accessible parks for visitors and routine maintenance and care of the parks will continue. Stage 4 indicators will be monitored in order to determine staffing levels and possible adjustments to maintenance schedules.

Face Covering requirements at Travis County Parks:

All persons visiting a Travis County Park shall wear a face covering over their nose and mouth when inside a building open to the public, or when in an outdoor public space whenever not feasible to maintain six (6) feet of social distancing from persons outside one’s household; provided however that this face covering requirement does not apply to the following:

  1. any person younger than 10 years of age;
  2. any person with a medical condition or disability that prevents wearing a face covering;
  3. any person while the person is consuming food or drink, or is seated at a restaurant to eat or drink;
  4. any person while the person is (1) exercising outdoors or engaging in physical activity outdoors, and (2) is maintaining a safe distance from other people not in the same household;
  5. any person while the person is driving alone or with passengers who are part of the same household as the driver;
  6. any person obtaining a service that requires temporary removal of the face covering for security surveillance, screening, or a need for specific access to the face, such as while visiting a bank or while obtaining a personal care service involving the face, but only to the extent necessary for the temporary removal;
  7. any person while the person is in a swimming pool, lake, or similar body of water;
  8. any person who is voting, assisting a voter, serving as a poll watcher, or actively administering an election, but wearing a face covering is strongly encouraged;
  9. any person who is actively providing or obtaining access to religious worship, but wearing a face covering is strongly encouraged; or
  10. any person while the person is giving a speech for a broadcast or to an audience; and
  11. Not excepted from this face-covering requirement is any person attending a protest or demonstration involving more than 10 people and who is not practicing safe social distancing of six feet from other people not in the same household.
  12. any person who is alone, or in the presence of only members of the same household or residence, in a separate room or single space not accessible to the public, and not in an indoor common area.

During Stage 4:

We will resume collecting Park Day-Use fees at the entrance to parks that this fee is established.

Improved Campsites at Pace Bend and Arkansas Bend Park remain open at this time - by reservation only. Sites are limited to members of individual households.

Boat ramps (operational status is determined by Lake Travis levels), trails, playgrounds, disc golf, and skate park will remain open.

Limited restrooms will remain open.

Normal athletic fields operations, basketball courts, primitive camping, group shelters, picnic tables, and BBQ grills are closed.

No Commercial/Rental Use of Travis County Parks Boat Ramps on Lake Travis or Lake Austin.

The launching or retrieving of rental watercraft and watercraft for hire is prohibited. The loading or unloading of passengers from such watercraft is also prohibited.

The following parks are open. Hours and access to amenities vary, please refer to the specific park page for details:

Allen Park - The BBQ pits, shelters and picnic tables are closed. Trail Use is allowed.

Arkansas Bend Park– Boat ramp is open daily if lake levels are sufficient (no commercial use). Lake Travis shoreline access is allowed. Improved campsites are available by reservation only. Reservations can be made now. Playgrounds are open. Day-use picnic tables, and bbq grills are closed.

Barkley Meadows Park – The shelter, picnic tables, and bbq grills are closed. Playground and trails are open.

Ben E. Fisher Park – The shelter, restroom, picnic tables, bbq grills, and basketball court are closed. The playground is open.

Bob Wentz Park – The Pavilion, picnic tables, bbq grills, and sand volleyball courts are closed. Lake Travis shoreline access is allowed. Non-motorized boat ramp is open.

Cypress Creek Park – Boat ramp is closed due to current lake levels. The picnic tables and bbq grills are closed. Lake Travis shoreline access is allowed.

Del Valle Softball Fields – Athletic fields, picnic tables, restroom, and shelter are closed.

East Metro Park – Basketball court, shelter, picnic tables, bbq grills, athletic fields, and Pavilion are closed. Trails, playgrounds, disc golf, and fishing ponds are open.

Fritz Hughes Park – The picnic tables, bbq grills, and basketball court are closed. Lake Austin shoreline access is allowed. Playground is open.

Hamilton Pool Preserve – Reservations are required. No swimming.

Hippie Hollow Park – Opens at 9:00 am daily. Lake Travis shoreline access is allowed.

Little Webberville Park – Boat ramp and playground is open. Picnic tables and bbq grills are closed.

Loop 360 Park – The boat ramp is open (no commercial use).

Mansfield Dam Park – The boat ramp (no commercial use), playground and trails are open. Picnic tables, bbq grills, and pavilion are closed.

Mary Quinlan Park – The boat ramp is open. Picnic tables, bbq grills, and basketball court are closed.

Northeast Metro Park – Normal athletic field operations, basketball court, picnic tables, bbq grills, and shelter are closed. The trails, skatepark, playgrounds, and tennis court remain open.

Pace Bend Park – Primitive camping picnic tables, and bbq grills are closed. Improved Campsites are available by reservation only. Reservations can be made now. The west (cliff) side of the park is closed. Collier boat ramp is open (no commercial use). Trails are open. Lake Travis shoreline access is allowed.

Reimers Ranch Park – Trails and rock climbing are open. Shelters, picnic tables, and bbq grills are closed. Pedernales River shoreline access is allowed.

Richard Moya Park – The basketball court, picnic tables, bbq grills, athletic fields, and shelters are closed. Trails and playgrounds are open.

Selma Hughes Park – Picnic tables and bbq grills are closed. Lake Austin shoreline access is allowed.

Southeast Metro Park – Normal athletic field operations, basketball court, picnic tables, bbq grills, and shelter are closed. The trails and playgrounds are open.

Webberville Park – The basketball court, sand volleyball courts, athletic fields, picnic tables, bbq grills, and shelters are closed. The boat ramp, playgrounds, fishing pier and trails are open.

Windmill Run Park – The trails and playgrounds are open. Picnic tables and bbq grills are closed.

The following Travis County parks remain closed until further notice:

Sandy Creek Park (including boat ramp)

Tom Hughes Park

– Travis County has entered Stage 5 of the Austin Public Health guidelines. All Travis County Parks remain open except Sandy Creek Park and Tom Hughes Park. Open hours and access to amenities vary by park, please refer to the specific park page for details.

The main goal of the local order is to encourage residents to limit travel from the home as much as possible. Travis County Parks has closed many of its park amenities but recognizes the importance of connection with nature, exercise, and being outdoors so it is keeping as many of its parks and trails open for those that do not have immediate access to these opportunities around their home.

Anyone traveling to a Travis County park should continue to follow current Travis County and State Orders.

Reservations are not required for day-use visitation (reservations are required for Hamilton Pool Preserve). If a park reaches capacity (capacity has been reduced during Stage 5), additional visitors will not be allowed for the rest of the day and a closure notice will be added to the specific park page. The park will reopen again the next day, but again under capacity limits.

Staff are committed to providing safe and accessible parks for visitors and routine maintenance and care of the parks will continue. Stage 5 indicators will be monitored in order to determine staffing levels and possible adjustments to maintenance schedules.

During Stage 5:

Improved Campsites at Pace Bend and Arkansas Bend Park remain open at this time - by reservation only. Sites are limited to members of individual households.

Boat ramps (operational status is determined by Lake Travis levels), trails, playgrounds, disc golf, and skate park will remain open.

Limited restrooms will remain open.

All athletic fields, basketball courts, primitive camping, group shelters, picnic tables, and BBQ grills are closed.

No Commercial/Rental Use of Travis County Parks Boat Ramps on Lake Travis or Lake Austin.

The launching or retrieving of rental watercraft and watercraft for hire is prohibited. The loading or unloading of passengers from such watercraft is also prohibited.

The following parks are open. Hours and access to amenities vary, please refer to the specific park page for details:

Allen Park

Arkansas Bend Park – Boat ramp is open daily if lake levels are sufficient (no commercial use). Lake Travis shoreline access is allowed. Improved campsites are available by reservation only. Reservations can be made now. Playgrounds are open. Day-use picnic tables, and bbq grills are closed.

Barkley Meadows Park – The shelter, picnic tables, and bbq grills are closed. Playground and trails are open.

Ben E. Fisher Park– The shelter, restroom, picnic tables, bbq grills, and basketball court are closed. The playground is open.

Bob Wentz Park – The Pavilion, picnic tables, bbq grills, and sand volleyball courts are closed. Lake Travis shoreline access is allowed. Non-motorized boat ramp is open.

Cypress Creek Park – Boat ramp is closed due to current lake levels. The picnic tables and bbq grills are closed. Lake Travis shoreline access is allowed.

Del Valle Softball Fields – Athletic fields, picnic tables, restroom, and shelter are closed.

East Metro Park – Basketball court, shelter, picnic tables, bbq grills, athletic fields, and Pavilion are closed. Trails, playgrounds, disc golf, and fishing ponds are open.

Fritz Hughes Park – The picnic tables, bbq grills, and basketball court are closed. Lake Austin shoreline access is allowed. Playground is open.

Hamilton Pool Preserve – Reservations are required. No swimming.

Hippie Hollow Park – Opens at 9:00 am daily. Lake Travis shoreline access is allowed.

Little Webberville Park – Boat ramp and playground is open. Picnic tables, and bbq grills are closed.

Loop 360 Park – The boat ramp is open (no commercial use).

Mansfield Dam Park – The boat ramp (no commercial use), playground and trails are open. Picnic tables, bbq grills, and pavilion are closed.

Mary Quinlan Park – The boat ramp is open. Picnic tables, bbq grills, and basketball court are closed.

Milton Reimers Ranch Park – Trails are open. Shelters, picnic tables, and bbq grills are closed. Pedernales River shoreline access is allowed.

Northeast Metro Park – The athletic fields, BMX track, basketball court, picnic tables, bbq grills, and shelter are closed. The trails, skatepark, playgrounds, and tennis court remain open.

Pace Bend Park – Primitive camping picnic tables, and bbq grills are closed. Improved Campsites are available by reservation only. Reservations can be made now. The west (cliff) side of the park is closed. Collier boat ramp is open (no commercial use). Trails are open. Lake Travis shoreline access is allowed.

Richard Moya Park – The basketball court, picnic tables, bbq grills, athletic fields, and shelters are closed. Trails and playgrounds are open.

Selma Hughes Park – Picnic tables and bbq grills are closed. Lake Austin shoreline access is allowed.

Southeast Metro Park – The athletic fields, basketball court, picnic tables, bbq grills, and shelter are closed. The trails and playgrounds are open.

Webberville Park – The basketball court, sand volleyball courts, athletic fields, picnic tables, bbq grills, and shelters are closed. The boat ramp, playgrounds, fishing pier and trails are open.

Windmill Run Park – The trails and playgrounds are open. Picnic tables and bbq grills are closed.

The following Travis County parks remain closed until further notice:

Sandy Creek Park (including boat ramp)

Tom Hughes Park

All Travis County Parks are open except Sandy Creek Park. Open hours and access to amenities vary by park, please refer to the specific park page for details. Primitive Campsites remain closed.Improved Campsites at Pace Bend and Arkansas Bend Park will open September 21, 2020. Reservations can be made now.

Anyone traveling to a Travis County park should continue to follow the current Travis County Order and State orders.

Reservations are not required to come to the parks for normal visitation (reservations are required for Hamilton Pool Preserve). If the park reaches capacity then it will not allow entry of any additional visitors for the rest of the day and a closure notice will be added to the specific park page. The park will reopen again the next day but again under capacity limits.

The following parks are open. Hours and access to amenities vary, please refer to the specific park page for details.

The following Travis County parks remain closed until further notice:

  • Sandy Creek Park (including boat ramp)
Travis County Parks is open with limitations. Open hours and access to amenities vary by park. Please refer to the park page for details.

The commercial and/or rental use of watercraft or the use of watercraft for hire is prohibited at any Travis County park on Lake Austin or Lake Travis:

  • The launching or retrieving of rental watercraft and watercraft for hire is prohibited at any Travis County park on Lake Austin or Lake Travis.
  • The loading or unloading of passengers from such watercraft is also prohibited at any Travis County park on Lake Austin or Lake Travis.

The following Travis County parks are open from 8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. daily for walking, hiking, biking and other permitted activities:

Amenities in these parks are closed or not operational:

  • Athletic fields, swimming pool
  • Pavilions/group shelters
  • Park playscapes
  • Picnic tables and BBQ grills

The commercial and/or rental use of watercraft or the use of watercraft for hire is prohibited at any Travis County park on Lake Austin or Lake Travis:

  • The launching or retrieving of rental watercraft and watercraft for hire is prohibited at any Travis County park on Lake Austin or Lake Travis.
  • The loading or unloading of passengers from such watercraft is also prohibited at any Travis County park on Lake Austin or Lake Travis.

The following Travis County parks remain closed until further notice:

  • Bob Wentz Park (including sailboat ramp)
  • Cypress Creek Park
  • Del Valle Softball Fields
  • Dink Pearson Park
  • Hamilton Pool Preserve
  • Hippie Hollow Park
  • Sandy Creek Park (including boat ramp)

The following Travis County parks are open from 8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. daily for walking, hiking, biking and other permitted activities:

Amenities in these parks are closed or not operational:

  • Athletic fields, swimming pool
  • Pavilions/group shelters
  • Park playscapes
  • Picnic tables and BBQ grills

The commercial and/or rental use of watercraft or the use of watercraft for hire is prohibited at any Travis County park on Lake Austin or Lake Travis:

  • The launching or retrieving of rental watercraft and watercraft for hire is prohibited at any Travis County park on Lake Austin or Lake Travis.
  • The loading or unloading of passengers from such watercraft is also prohibited at any Travis County park on Lake Austin or Lake Travis.

The following Travis County parks remain closed until further notice:

  • Bob Wentz Park (including sailboat ramp)
  • Del Valle Softball Fields
  • Dink Pearson Park
  • Hamilton Pool Preserve
  • Hippie Hollow Park
  • Sandy Creek Park (including boat ramp)

On Tuesday, July 7, 2020 at 8:00 a.m., the following Travis County parks will open from 8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. daily for walking, hiking, biking and other permitted activities:

Amenities in these parks are closed or not operational:

  • Athletic fields, swimming pool
  • Pavilions / group shelters
  • Park playscapes
  • Picnic Tables and BBQ grills

The commercial and/or rental use of watercraft or the use of watercraft for hire is prohibited at any Travis County park on Lake Austin or Lake Travis:

  • The launching or retrieving of rental watercraft and watercraft for hire is prohibited at any Travis County park on Lake Austin or Lake Travis.
  • The loading or unloading of passengers from such watercraft is also prohibited at any Travis County park on Lake Austin or Lake Travis.

The following Travis County parks remain closed until further notice:

  • Bob Wentz Park (including sailboat ramp)
  • Del Valle Softball Fields
  • Dink Pearson Park
  • Hamilton Pool Preserve
  • Hippie Hollow Park
  • Loop 360 Park (including boat ramp)
  • Mansfield Dam Park (including boat ramp)
  • Mary Quinlan Park (including boat ramp)
  • Sandy Creek Park (including boat ramp)

Travis County Judge Sam Biscoe has recommended all local governments cancel publicly sponsored events and close public spaces in advance of the 4th of July weekend in order to discourage social gatherings and therefore discourage spread of COVID-19. In response to this request, Travis County Parks will close all parks (including boat ramps) in its system starting Thursday, July 2, 2020 at 8 p.m. and re-open on Tuesday, July 7, 2020 at 8 a.m. Should the threat of COVID-19 continue to rise, the park system may remain closed beyond this date until further notice.

Travis County Parks (TCP) will manage its park system based on local orders and the Austin Public Health (APH) 5 stage risk-based guidelines which provides recommendations for what the community should do to stay safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. Along with the guidelines, TCP will determine best management practices for the park system, taking into consideration the need for adequate staffing levels and park visitor compliance with state and local directives.

The community has entered Stage 4 which will limit park amenities to the use of trails and boat ramps.

When the community resumes Stage 3 or lower, additional park amenities will open and a date will be announced to open reservations for camping sites, shelters, athletic fields, and Hamilton Pool Preserve.

The following Travis County parks will be open for day use from 8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. for walking, hiking, biking and other permitted activities: (click on the park for current alerts concerning that specific park)

Amenities in these parks are closed or not operational:

  • Athletic fields, swimming pool
  • Pavilions / group shelters
  • Park playscapes
  • Picnic Tables and BBQ Grills

The following Travis County parks are closed to the public until further notice:

  • Bob Wentz Park
  • Del Valle Softball Fields
  • Hamilton Pool Preserve
  • Hippie Hollow Park
  • Sandy Creek Park

Travis County Parks continues to operate its parks with day-use only access in order to provide options for visitors to recreate in open space and trails. We invite public participation in passive recreational activities, such as walking, hiking, and access to the lakes and rivers, while encouraging park users to observe appropriate social distancing. Additional parks and amenities are open on a limited basis, including most of the park system’s boat ramps.

For the safety of visitors and park staff, and in accordance with State and CDC guidelines, Travis County Parks recommends that visitors use face coverings and bring their own hand sanitizer. Limited restroom facilities will be available. In addition, no groups larger than five (5) people are allowed (except for families or people living in the same household) and the total number of park visitors at specific parks may be limited.

Continued operation of the parks in this capacity will be determined by the ability to have access to necessary personal protective equipment for staff, adequate staff to manage/maintain the parks, and visitor compliance with park rules.

Day use fees will be charged at fee-based parks (cash only), and limited public restrooms will be available at most parks.

Anyone traveling to a Travis County park should continue to follow the current Travis County Order, follow the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) public health recommendations, and adhere to strict social distancing and cleanliness standards while in public spaces.

The following Travis County Parks will be open for day use from 8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. Check the individual park pages for specific information related to each park.

  • Reimers Ranch Park
  • Pace Bend Park (Collier boat ramp only)
  • Loop 360 Park (boat ramp open)
  • Mansfield Dam Park (boat ramp only, no day-use activities)
  • Arkansas Bend Park (boat ramp open)
  • Cypress Creek Park (boat ramp open)
  • Mary Quinlan Park (boat ramp open)
  • Webberville Park (boat ramp open)
  • Little Webberville Park (boat ramp open)
  • Richard Moya Park (trails only)
  • Northeast Metro Park (trails only)
  • Southeast Metro Park (trails, fishing)
  • East Metro Park (trails, fishing)
  • Allen Park (trails only)
  • Windmill Run Park (trails only)

Amenities in these parks remain closed or not operational:

  • Athletic fields, swimming pool, skate park, BMX track
  • Camping
  • Commercial use of boat ramps
  • Park playscapes
  • Pavilions / group shelters
  • Water fountains

The following Travis County Parks locations remain CLOSED:

  • Hamilton Pool Preserve
  • Bob Wentz Park
  • Del Valle Softball Fields
  • Hippie Hollow Park
  • Sandy Creek Park
  • Barkley Meadows Park
  • Fritz Hughes Park
  • Tom Hughes Park
  • Selma Hughes Park
  • Ben E. Fisher Park

Travis County Parks is following the Travis County COVID-19 Order by permitting access only to open space and trails for passive recreational activities, such as walking and hiking. This action allows users to observe the mandated 6 foot safety rule.

Visitors planning to come to a Travis County park are encouraged to bring with them all necessary provisions, such as hand sanitizer and face masks.

Anyone traveling to a Travis County park should continue to follow the current Travis County Order, follow the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) public health recommendations, and adhere to strict social distancing and cleanliness standards while in public spaces.

Operational changes still in effect at Travis County parks include the suspension of all transactions and the closure of all restrooms, group-use facilities, athletic fields and other enclosed spaces where people congregate. See below for a complete list of current closures and limits.

Also, when you come out to enjoy your parks, please remember to “Pack It In, Pack It Out”!

Effective Friday, May 8, 2020, the following Travis County Parks will be open for day use from 8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. for walking, hiking, biking and other permitted activities. (Please see individual park pages for more information.) Park use will continue to be monitored and any updates will be communicated here.

  • Reimers Ranch Park (beach access – pedestrian only)
  • Pace Bend Park (boat ramps closed)
  • Arkansas Bend Park (boat ramps closed)
  • Richard Moya Park (west end entry and multi-use parking lot)
  • Northeast Metro Park (only trails are open; limited parking)
  • Southeast Metro Park (only trails are open; limited parking)
  • East Metro Park (only trails are open; limited parking)
  • Webberville Park (boat ramp closed; only trails are open; limited parking)


  • Park playscapes and restrooms remain closed.
  • Water fountains will not be operational.

The following Travis County parks will be closed to the public until further notice:

  • Hamilton Pool Preserve
  • Mansfield Dam Park
  • Allen Park
  • Bob Wentz Park
  • Hippie Hollow Park
  • Loop 360 Park
  • Cypress Creek Park
  • Sandy Creek Park
  • Tom Hughes Park
  • Mary Quinlan Park
  • Barkley Meadows Park
  • Del Valle Softball Fields
  • Little Webberville Park
  • Fritz Hughes Park
  • Selma Hughes Park
  • Ben E. Fisher Park
  • Windmill Run Park

We understand the desire for outdoor recreation and hope to ease COVID-19 restrictions and closures soon.

The Travis County Judge’s current Order is set to expire on May 8, 2020. We anticipate that a new Order will be issued, but do not know at this time what restrictions and closures the Order may ease or lift. Please check back here for updates.

Visitors planning to come to a Travis County park are encouraged to bring with them all necessary provisions, such as hand sanitizer and face masks, in order to help local businesses have enough goods to properly serve their customers during this time.

Anyone traveling to a Travis County park should continue to follow the current Travis County Order, follow the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) public health recommendations, and adhere to strict social distancing and cleanliness standards while in public spaces.

Operational changes still in effect at Travis County parks include the suspension of all transactions and the closure of all restrooms, group-use facilities, athletic fields and other enclosed spaces where people congregate. See below for a complete list of current closures and limits.

Also, when you come out to enjoy your parks, please remember to “Pack It In, Pack It Out”!

Travis County Parks is following the Travis County COVID-19 Order by permitting access only to open space and trails for passive recreational activities, such as walking and hiking. This action allows users to observe the mandated 6 foot safety rule.

Effective Monday, April 13, 2020, the following Travis County Parks will be open for day use from 8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. for walking, hiking, biking and other permitted activities. (Please see individual park pages for more information.)

  • Reimers Ranch Park (beach access – pedestrian only)
  • Pace Bend Park (boat ramps closed)
  • Arkansas Bend Park (boat ramps closed)
  • Richard Moya Park (west end entry and multi-use parking lot)
  • Northeast Metro Park (only trails are open; limited parking)
  • Southeast Metro Park (only trails are open; limited parking)
  • East Metro Park (only trails are open; limited parking)
  • Webberville Park (boat ramp closed; only trails are open; limited parking)


  • Park playscapes and restrooms remain closed.
  • Water fountains will not be operational.

    The following Travis County parks will be closed to the public until further notice:

  • Hamilton Pool Preserve
  • Mansfield Dam Park
  • Allen Park
  • Bob Wentz Park
  • Hippie Hollow Park
  • Loop 360 Park
  • Cypress Creek Park
  • Sandy Creek Park
  • Tom Hughes Park
  • Mary Quinlan Park
  • Barkley Meadows Park
  • Del Valle Softball Fields
  • Little Webberville Park
  • Fritz Hughes Park
  • Selma Hughes Park
  • Ben E. Fisher Park
  • Windmill Run Park

Easter celebrations are historically a time for families to come together in outdoor parks facilities. However, due to concerns regarding the spread of the COVID-19 virus, ALL Travis County parks are closed from Thursday, April 9, at 8:00 p.m., through the Easter weekend. Some parks may reopen again for limited activities such as, walking, hiking and biking activities on Monday, April 13, 2020 at 8:00 a.m.

Effective Friday, March 27, 2020, the following Travis County parks will be open for day use from 8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. for walking, hiking, biking and other permitted activities (Please see individual park pages for more info):

  • Reimers Ranch Park (beach access closed)
  • Pace Bend Park (boat ramps closed)
  • Mansfield Dam Park (boat ramp closed; limited parking available)
  • Arkansas Bend Park (boat ramps closed)
  • Richard Moya Park (west end entry and multi-use parking lot)
  • Northeast Metro Park (only trails are open; limited parking)
  • Southeast Metro Park (only trails are open)
  • East Metro Park (only trails are open)
  • Webberville Park (boat ramp closed)


  • All park playground/playscapes are closed.
  • All park restrooms are closed.
  • Water fountains are turned off, bring adequate water.

The following Travis County parks will be closed to the public until further notice:

  • Hamilton Pool Preserve (currently closed)
  • Allen Park
  • Bob Wentz Park
  • Hippie Hollow Park
  • Loop 360 Park
  • Cypress Creek Park
  • Sandy Creek Park
  • Tom Hughes Park
  • Mary Quinlan Park
  • Barkley Meadows Park
  • Del Valle Softball Fields
  • Little Webberville Park
  • Fritz Hughes Park
  • Selma Hughes Park
  • Ben E. Fisher Park
  • Windmill Run Park

Recognizing the urgency and need to maintain social distancing, the only remaining use of Travis County Parks will be park grass areas and trails that allow users to observing the 6 feet safe distance rule. We are strongly encouraging people to stay home but understand that parks may be the only greenspace near neighborhoods. Park Police will be monitoring parks and trail usage to ensure compliance of the 6 feet safe distance requirement.

When in our parks, practice social distancing and safe practices recommended by health authorities. Reservation and safety updates are listed below. In an effort to slow the transmission of COVID-19, and due to substantial risks to the public and park staff, and based on Austin Public Health and Travis County Emergency Management recommendations, all Travis County Parks reservations are canceled along with some parks and areas within the parks. Most park restrooms are closed. The cancelation and closure includes all athletic fields, BMX racetrack, shelters, pavilions, campsites, and organized events. We have also suspended the rescheduling process at this time. Please check the individual park pages for specific information regarding the current operation of the park. We sincerely appreciate your cooperation and understanding.

In order to protect the health and safety of the public and our employees, and to prevent the spread of COVID-19, Hamilton Pool Preserve is closed until further notice. We apologize for the inconvenience. Refunds will be honored as well as rescheduling visits once Travis County deems it safe to do so.