This event is cancelled.
Travis County Parks plans to conduct a prescribed burn in the Wilbarger Creek Project Area (east of Manor, Texas) on November 8, 2022. Depending on conditions, between 8 and 70 acres will be ignited. The project will take approximately two to four hours and will occur between 11 a.m. and 6 p.m.
Travis County Parks is conducting the prescribed burn in cooperation with personnel from the local fire departments and natural resource agencies.
The prescribed burn is intended to reduce wildfire danger and improve ecosystem health by removing invading shrubs, consuming dead and downed vegetation, reducing the number of exotic species, and enhancing the health and diversity of the native plant community.
The prescribed burn will be implemented with southerly winds, which will carry the smoke to the north, across Wilbarger Creek and towards Manor, Texas. Smoke is expected to be evident throughout the burn day but, due to the distance between the burn and the community, impacts are expected to be light.
The prescribed burn will be located at 17406 Blake Manor Road, Manor, TX 78653
Media note: These properties are not open to the public. There may be a PIO or staff available for interviews. Please call the Park Land Manager (contact listed above) for more information.
- Hector Nieto, Travis County PIO, 956-251-2902
- Glen Gillman, Park Land Manager, 512-844-7480